Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Moving out

It seems to have become a desperate race against time for me now. The signs are definitely there.

I was out shopping yesterday, buying ready-to-eats so that I didn't need gas or electricity to cook. And when I came back, the hair had fallen down.

Yes, when I go out, I attach a hair of mine to the door with a little bit of spit. If anyone opens the door, the hair falls down. I read it in a book about a spy.

Well, when I went in, nothing had moved. Everything was exactly the way it was before I left. But still, I could tell.

They had been watching me.

Anyhow, my plans were in place. I was moving out. I would leave everything behind when I left - maybe it would confuse them. (As if they wouldn't know!). But still, it is easier to travel without luggage.

I picked up my package of groceries (food is still important), and I closed the door behind me.

Goodbye, new home!


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